Mengambil Hikmah dari Kisah Sahabat : " Zaid Bin Haritsah Cintanya Kepada Rasulullah tak bisa tergantikan ".

Mengambil Hikmah dari Kisah Sahabat : " Zaid Bin Haritsah Cintanya Kepada Rasulullah tak bisa tergantikan ".
Mengambil Hikmah dari Kisah Sahabat : " Zaid Bin Haritsah Cintanya Kepada Rasulullah tak bisa tergantikan ".


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Life Insurance Fraud - Churning And Twisting

Some dishonest life insurance agents are involved in certain fraudulent practices and you should be aware of them. One is churning and the other is twisting. How do those agents carry them out such life insurance fraud and what do you do if you're a victim? You'll do well to watch out for them and avoid the stress.

If an agent tricks a policyholder into draining his or her life insurance policy to fund a new one with the same insurer it is referred to as churning. Important information about the full consequence of their action is dishonestly withheld by the agent involved.

Twisting is almost the same thing but for a little difference. Whereas churning tricks a policyholder to drain policy funds for a new policy with the same insurer, twisting is where a policy holder is tricked into draining funds from their life insurance policy for a policy with another insurer.

Run, don't walk if an agent promises you a new policy that will give you more coverage without increasing your premium. Such an agent is trying to trick you into draining funds from your whole life insurance policy.

Those who fall victims really do not get any bill for new premiums until they exhaust funds in their old whole life insurance policy. For some it could take up to two years before they find out.

What if you or yours have been scammed? Is there anything you can do? And is there any way of getting more coverage for less? For those who've been scammed there's help and for those who want more for less, there's a way.

Your state's department of insurance will help if you've been scammed. Many of them have documents online that will outline steps you should take. 

Many reputable insurance companies will quickly compensate you once it's established that you were a victim of such fraud. You get better response if you make your complaint to an insurer's head office.

For those who want more for less...

Shopping right is the sure way to ensure you pay less for more coverage. The range of quotes returned by different insurers can be as small as a few dollars or as much as a few thousand. 

Once you can get the insurer that offers your profile the best price/value, you'll be paying far less for coverage that could be costing someone of a similar profile much more with another insurer. 

You increase the likelihood that you'll get the very lowest life insurance rate if you get quotes from up to five insurance quotes sites.

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